Welcome to the ArchAgent Data Services. This Quick-Start Guide will walk you through the basic set-up process for the FSBO, FRBO, Expired, and Preforeclosure Services. 

Detailed instructions for each part of the portal are provided through-out the Knowledge Base or if you are having any difficulty please open up a support ticket.

View Quickstart Video

Logging into the Portal

If you have forgotten your password, you can recover it here.

Setting Up Your Default Coverage

Your "Default Coverage" determines what leads you see by default when

  • Clicking on Quick Lists from the Dashboard
  • In your daily emails
  • When performing a query without additional parameters
You can adjust the leads delivered based upon specific zip codes and price ranges.

Adjusting Your Geographic Coverage Area

  • Click on "Options/Preferences->Default Coverage"
  • Define your "Base Zip Code"
    • The "Base Zip Code" is the center point of your geographic radius. Once set, you will be able to select any specific zip codes up to a 50 mile radius.
    • You are only able to change the last two digits of you Base Zip Code online.
    • Click "Get Available Zip Codes" and the system will calculate your available coverage area.
  • Define your "Radius"
    • The "Radius" setting will automatically place all zip codes that fall within the set distance from the Base Zip Code.
    • As you adjust the Radius, zip codes which fall outside of the range will automatically become inactive.
    • In-order to find desired zip codes, you can sort the available areas chronologically or by distance from the base radius. 
  • Adding "Default Zip Codes"
    • Add or Remove the Zip Codes that you want to see in your default reports.
    • There are two sets of Zip Codes, the "Default Zip Codes" and "Available Zip Codes".  The Available Zip Codes include all zip codes which you are allowed to view data. The Default Zip Codes are the ones used in your search. The easiest way to get the entire lead set is to click "Add All". If you have reduced your radius, the Arch system will automatically remove zip codes beyond the specified distance.
  • Additional Settings
    • Confidence Scores - https://dialerhelp.archagent.com/en/support/solutions/articles/24000065305-understanding-confidence-scores
    • Do Not Call - Automatically remove numbers on the Do Not Call List
    • Status - Determine which listing statuses are displayed in your system
    • Phones
      • Display on the phone numbers provided directly in the FSBO Ad - removes all enhanced data and displays only contact details available from the advertisement.
      • Includes a valid phone - display only listings where a phone number is available
    • Show Blacklisted - Remove listings which are blacklisted for being real estate owned, etc.

Setting Up Daily Email Delivery

Each morning an email report can be delivered which contains all newly available leads since your last email. Please note that it takes our process time to aggregate leads and then augment contact details each morning. It is advisable to set up email delivery as late as possible and never before 6 AM.

  • Click on "Options/Preferences->Email Delivery Options"
  • Enter the primary email address in "Delivery Email"
  • Optional: Enter in a secondary email in "Email Carbon Copy"
    • Note: Emails can only be delivered to two separate email addresses
  • Choose a "Delivery Format"
    • HTML (Summary) - Basic property and contact information. Recommended for printing.
    • HTML (Detail)RECOMMENDED - Contains the highest amount of information available via email.
    • .CSV - Downloadable .CSV format, designed for saving locally and importing into third-party software such as dialing systems or CRMs.
  • Set Your Delivery Time
    • The time is set based upon the local time captured from your browser.
    • The recommended delivery time is 8AM in your timezone.
    • Due to the amount of time needed to collect, process, and deliver the data each day, the earliest deliver time is 6 AM local.
  • Choose your Sort Order
    • Distance - Sorts by distance from base zip code.
    • Price - Orders by list price for the listings.
  • Additional Options
    • Has Valid Phone - When checked only listings with a phone number attached to the listing will be sent.
    • Send separate emails - When checked you will receive a separate email for each product type active on your account (FSBO, Expired, FRBO). If unchecked, all listings will be contained in a single email.
  • Click Submit

Search your listing database

You are able to search up to 6 months of past listings. This is the most accurate way to access the most up-to-date information available. If no parameters are set it will automatically use your Default settings in the search.

  • Click on "Leads->FSBO/Expired/FRBO Data -> Search"
  • Select your Price Range, Geographic Area, and Lead Types
  • Set the "Confidence Score"
  • Additional
    • Includes a valid phone - Only listings where a valid phone number was augmented or extracted from the advertisement.
    • Show Blacklisted - The +plus lead system runs each listing through a proprietary algorithm which uncovers listings determined to have a low likelihood of being listed by an agent. By default, these listings are removed from reports, but checking this option displays Blacklisted properties.
    • Show Address Match - The +plus lead system runs each listing through multiple database types. It then fuses the data together to ensure accuracy. However, at times we are only able to make a simple match for the contact directly to an address without any further validation. Choosing this option will display these listings.
    •  Remove Numbers on DNC - Automatically filters out phone numbers listed on the National Do Not Call List.
  • Select Lead Dispositions
    • In the Detail view of each listing you are able to set a disposition for each listing along with call notes.  Use these filters to only view leads with specific dispositions. Learn more about dispositions.