Welcome to the ArchAgent PowerDialer.  Easily setup your scripts, follow-up emails and start new sessions directly into your ArchAgent portal.  Below is a quick video walkthrough to help get you started:

Adding Scripts

You can add custom scripts for each lead type. While in session the system will automatically determine relevant scripts and make them available. At the time of queuing the session, you can even set the scrip tot display immediately after a live answer.

  • From the main navigation menu in the portal, click on "Leads ->PowerDialerBeta -> Settings"
  • Click on "Scripts -> Active"
  • Choose "+ - Add Script"

  • Enter a unique Script Name
  • Select the List Type - you can assign any data type or Status to each script. When processing listings in a session only the proper script types will be made available dynamically.
  • Default Script - (Yes / No) If you do not set a script when queuing a session, your Default Script will be made available. You may have a different Default Script for each lead type.
  • Enter in your script text
    • Formatting tools are available to bold or italicize important text.
    • Use the "Add Tag" drop-down to insert dynamic fields into you script. For example you can have the Property Address populate into the script dynamically
  • Click "SAVE"

Click on Actions to Edit, Print, Delete your custom scripts.

Adding Emails

If you data is loaded with email addresses, your message can be delivered during the session. You can setup unique messages for each data type or Status allowing you to send tailored messages to each Status during a single session.

  • From the main navigation menu in the portal, click on "Leads ->PowerDialerBeta -> Settings"
  • Click on "Email Templates -> Active"
  • Click "+ ADD EMAIL"

  • Enter a unique Name
  • Select the List Type - during a session you will be able to send separate messages to each lead type or Status based up on the List Type the email is assigned. For example, if you have a list with FSBO and Expired in it, the system can send different messages based upon the status.
  • Default Email - (Yes or No) each List Type can have it's own Default that is sent out. However, you can override this setting with another template when queuing a session.
  • Add Headers & Footers - (Optional) you can add an image file which will automatically be placed at the top and bottom of each email
  • Enter in your email text
    • Formatting tools are available to bold or italicize important text.
    • Use the "Add Tag" drop-down to insert dynamic fields into you script. For example you can have the Property Address populate into the script dynamically
  • Attach File - (Optional) you may choose to have file attachments such as .PDF files sent along with your emails
  • Click SAVE

Click on "Actions" to Edit, Print, or Archive your emails.

Add Caller IDs

You can enter in custom Caller ID numbers which will be displayed when making calls. This number does not need to be the same number that you use during your dialing session. However, it does need to be a valid, working phone number that is answered during regular business hours. Before you can use a new phone number, you will need to verify it through the Caller IDs settings.

  • From the main navigation menu in the portal, click on "Leads ->PowerDialerBeta -> Settings"
  • Click "Caller Ids" from the Dialer menu
  • Click "+ ADD NUMBER"

  • Enter your 10 Digit Phone number
  • Click Verify

The system will now call out to the number. Once you receive the call, answer and enter in the 6 digit code provided. Once that is successful, the new number will be available immediately during queuing.

Starting a New Session

You can start new sessions directly from the Summary view inside of the FSBO / Expired / FRBO / Preforeclosure Services, a Neighborhood List, or an uploaded list into Contact +plus. 

  • Select the listings that you want to add to your session using either "Select Page" or "Select First 1000"

Configure your session settings:

  • Session Name - enter a unique name for your session. For example, "2022 Expireds" or "123 Main Street Open House"
  • Script - (Optional) choose a default script.
  • Follow-up Email - (Optional) choose a default email
  • Caller ID - select the Caller ID to be displayed during your session
  • Automatically display scrip on live answer - when selected, your default script will automatically populate on live answer
  • Do not dial duplicate numbers - automatically removes duplicate numbers from your session
  • Exclude number on Do Not Call List - the default setting automatically checks against the DNC and removes listings

Dialing into your session:

You can use any phone to connect to the dialer and it does not need to be the same phone as set in the Caller ID. It only needs the ability to connect directly to a toll free number.

  • Dial the toll free number on screen
  • Enter in your unique 6 digit PIN. This number changes with each connection

After authentication, you will be taken to the dialer control screen.

Controlling a Session

You will initiate and disconnect all calls from the dialer screen on your device. You will only use your phone to talk to the prospect. Once you are ready, to start the session, simply click "DIAL" in the top right corner to call the first number. You will hear the system dial and be connected directly with the contact after they answer.

To end a call, click the red "END CALL" button. After each dial, you will have several options to continue through the list. You can call the next number associated with the current property by clicking "CALL NEXT". Or, you can move directly to the next property in the list by clicking "CALL NEXT PROPERTY".

You can navigate the list, by clicking the scroll arrows on either side of the current address:

Or click on any property in the list on the left hand side of the control screen to skip forward or backwards to specific properties.