When working with Circle Prospecting, For Sale by Owner, For Rent by Owner, Preforeclosure, and Expired listings, the most important thing is to qualify the prospect before ending the conversation. 

Before scheduling an appointment, do you understand their motivation to sell, have you properly identified and addressed their objections. It is imperative in creating the type of rapport needed to ensure that you work with the home seller in the future.

The PowerDialer will dynamically display custom scripts based upon the property status that you have loaded prior to starting a dialing session. You can choose to have them display automatically upon a live answer or choose them manually from the Scripts drop-down.

Adding New Scripts

You system will be pre-loaded with sample default scripts. You can add additional custom scripts into the system from the Account Settings.

  • From the main navigation menu in the portal, click on "Leads ->PowerDialerBeta -> Settings"
  • Click on "Scripts -> Active"
  • Choose "+ - Add Script"

  • Enter a unique Script Name
  • Select the List Type - you can assign any data type or Status to each script. When processing listings in a session only the proper script types will be made available dynamically.
  • Default Script - (Yes / No) If you do not set a script when queuing a session, your Default Script will be made available. You may have a different Default Script for each lead type.
  • Enter in your script text
    • Formatting tools are available to bold or italicize important text.
    • Use the "Add Tag" drop-down to insert dynamic fields into you script. For example you can have the Property Address populate into the script dynamically
  • Click "SAVE"

Click on Actions to Edit, Print, Delete your custom scripts.